17 - 20 SEPTEMBER 2025

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta - Indonesia

Exceeding Target, Pertamina EP Asset 4 Oil and Gas Production Grows 110 Percent

Exceeding Target, Pertamina EP Asset 4 Oil and Gas Production Grows 110 Percent

Exceeding Target, Pertamina EP Asset 4 Oil and Gas Production Grows 110 Percent

JAKARTA, NNC – PT Pertamina EP through Asset 4 unit as of the end of July 2018 posted a positive performance. This is indicated by oil production rate which as of 31 July 2018 reached 15,811 barrels per day (bpd) or 110.11 percent of the target of 14,032 bpd. Not only that, Pertamina EP Asset 4’s gas production in the same period reached 189.41 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) or 110.71 percent of the target of 160.02 MMSCFD, while gas sales were recorded at 154.15 MMSCFD.

“Starting this second semester, the performance of our five fields experienced a very promising increase in production. As of today, production from all fields reaches 15,811 bpd, higher than the target in 2018,” said Asset 4 General Manager Agus Amperianto in his official statement on Thursday (8/2/2018). In detail, the production profile of the five production fields in Asset 4 as of July 30, 2018 is as follows: Cepu Field 2,399 bpd; Poleng Field 3,007 bpd; Sukowati Field 8,430 bpd; Donggi Matindok Field 944 bpd; and Papua Field 966 bpd. Agus asserted Pertamina EP through Asset-4 will continue to seek termination fields which are again managed by Pertamina to show increased production and cost efficiency.

This is in line with the company’s commitment to maximally contribute to the development of oil and gas reserves and the rise in national oil and gas production. Agus exemplifies the ex-JOB PPEJ field in Sukowati which has increased production since the termination period. Before being managed again by Pertamina, the average production was only 6,800 bpd but now it has been able to produce around 8,500 bpd, an increase of almost 30 percent. “This has made Pertamina’s people increasingly convinced that Indonesia’s natural resource reserves will still provide the broadest possible benefits to the nation from the hands of Indonesian sons and daughters,” he concluded.

source: http://www.en.netralnews.com/news/business/read/23061/exceeding.target..pertamina.ep.asset.4.oil.and.gas.production.grows.110.percent